Saturday, January 19, 2013

Google Tools Practical Reflection 

Web 2.0 Project is our first project in MIS course as we have assigned to conduct a training session on Google tools, before starting the training I have prepare my training plan which help me a lot to prepare myself well, the training plan help me to divide the activity and time equally.  The useful thing is plan helps me to manage my time and it gives me clear picture about my training session.

There are many tools students trained us about Google tools such as below mention tools.
Gmail voice and video chat, filters
Google Earth
Google Search
Google New
Google Docs
Google Reader
Google Chrome
RSS Feeds
Google Calendar
Google Site
Google searching
Google Drive & Drop Box
Google Earth
Google Search
Social bookmarking
Google Picasa
Google Finance
Google Web Search

I have learned many tools which I was not aware about it before and some tools where I know about it but I don’t know how to use.  This training helps to learn many useful tools that benefit me in my study and in my work, the below example of tools which I have learned and my reflection in each tools.

1-Google Gmail, voice, video, chat and filters
I learned how to invite people for chatting and voice call. The interested thing about Gmail is video call its help to stay connect with people anywhere in the world it save time and money.
Label where I can categorize people in different labels such as Friend, Family, and Work.
Filter where I can use different variations of Gmail and filter incoming mails.

2-Google Docs
It’s learned how to create shared document and how to use the Collaboration support Docs which lets user easily invite others to work on the same document, at the same time. Other thing I have learned how to give the access to people where the authorized user can read only or they can edit.

3-Google Calendar
It’s very useful tools before I am not able to meet my deadline at work because I don’t t Know how to use the calendar the benefit which I have gain from the Google Calendar training is that I know now how to organizing my exam and meeting schedule by using Gmail calendar at college and work.  Other thing I have learned is how to Share my schedule, where others users can view m calendar. 
I am able know to send invitation to people for meeting or for any event. After this training I will not miss any meeting or event.

Blog was new tools for me I have never used it before my reflection about Blog training it was valuable training I have learned how to create new post and add photos, videos to my post. I know how to change the template design by using the features Blogger Template Designer.  I have learned new features in layout which is adding a Gadget, search box and flowers.  

5-Google Picasa
It’s very nice tool and I used Picasa to organize and edit photos and videos and I have learned how to use Picasa Web Albums to upload and share photos and videos. Other thing I know how to resize the photo and add name tag to Picasa Web Albums.

6-Google Earth
Google Earth was very interested training I have learned how to use search bar to search for country, city, building or any land mark in UAE. Other features what I have learned how to add place mark, how to zoom the screen and move it by the Navigation Control.  Other than that I have learned how to add Polygon and shade it as well as feature of add path.  Know I can use Google Earth to find any place easily no need to call Etisalat to find any land mark in UAE. By Google Earth it’s easy to find any location in UAE and its save time and money.

7-Google Reader
Where I have learned to keep my favorites website, organize and how to feed more to my folder. I learn how to subscribe to a feed in Reader, Reading feeds.  Instead of visiting ten websites and checking them individually, you log into Google Reader, Google reader tells you which of the websites have updated, and what they updated with, and you can view the new content, either in Reader, or go to the website.

8-Google Site
It’s very nice tools of Google I have really like it.  Its new product of Google I have learned how to create new site, insert maps, video, how to customize layout and appearance.

9-Google Finance
I have notice that Google finance is very important tools where I can view market data information check the currency rate and related topic to market news. The thing which I have learned is how to create new portfolio and add all selected site in my portfolio.

 10-Google Search & Google Features
A Google search tool is one of important tools which help me to do my research for in easy way.

11. Finance 
I have used Google Finance in my ratio analysis project I have used the Google Finance to search currency rate of UAE compare to other currency.

12. Google Chrome

In Google Chrome there are many features I have used in Chrome Web Store
I have used Google Chrome to Customize My ChromeExtensions are extra features and functionality which I can easily add to my Google Chrome. By using extensions features I can customize Google Chrome with features which I like while keeping my browser free of things that I don't use.
Themes change the Themes of the Google Chrome browser to make my page nice looking

13. Google Facebook
I have used a social networking website Facebook to stay connect with my friend s and family.

14. Twitter
Twitter is very useful social networking it helps me to be update with world and now what is happening right now and follow my friends.

15. Google News

I have found the Google news is very useful site where I have found the news which related to antivirus and firewall that help me in my project.

In Conclusion I have learned new thing about Google products which helped me in my study such as Google search, creating blog, Google Picasa and how to use the calendar. I have gain new skills in Google products and skills in conducting training.  I have updated my CV by adding new skills which I learned in this project. This is first training I have conduct during my study and It’s was not easy for me to conduct training, I spend more time to practice with my friends to develop my training skills. It’s really a good experience.


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